Top 7 Strategies to Discover Winning LinkedIn Post Topics

“Ruben, what should I post on Linkedin?”

This is one of the most common questions I receive.

Like there is some secret topics that will instantly make you successful.

After covering How to Optimize your Linkedin Profile, you now know what’s your ICP.

The one audience you want to solve problems for.

But it’s now time to tackle what to write for them.

1. Google Most Asked Questions

Let’s say you are an HR who wants to create content for DevOps.

First, you know what a DevOps is aha.

Second, Google is your best friend to cover some of the basics topics.

The most asked questions are obviously the most important ones to cover.

Start here.

Type "niche" on Google Search

As you can, I simply typed “dev ops” and then went straight to “People also ask”.

The secret hack is to keep clicking on the down arrow on the right.

The more you click on it, the more Google generates relevant questions.

I like this one: DevOps vs. DevOps: what’s the difference between DevSecOps & DevOps.

Collect as many questions as possible. 

Once done… 

  1. Go to ChatGPT.
  2. Click on the GPT Store (on the right).
  3. Search for “Topic-GPT” or “Ruben Hassid”.

Let’s take the example of “DevSecOps vs. DevOps.

Use my custom GPT called "Topic-GPT"

2. Pinterest: The Secret Virality

Pinterest is underrated.

And yet, for nearly 99% of the niche, you can do something this simple:

Pinterest is the most underrated source of info.

Type the name of the niche… and that’s about it.

An unlimited amount of content ideas, angles, questions, problems solved…

The process is similar:

  1. Gather what works. Create an excel of your favorite ones.
  2. Use my GPT “Topic-GPT” to generate an extra layer of the best ones.
  3. One good content transforms itself on a handful of them in minutes.

But there is another secret to Pinterest.

You can turn it into a complete Linkedin machine in even less time.

Step 1. Download your favorite image on Pinterest.

Step 2. Go to the web app of EasyGen (not on Chrome).

Step 3. Upload the image on “Custom topic” to extract the topic.

Step 4. Generate the post directly on EasyGen.

Step 5. Edit the finished post, and add it to your calendar.

Here’s an example with this image:

I picked the image "How to get your leads to call you back?"

Now let’s go to EasyGen and upload the image.

That's my favorite feature on EasyGen.

The last step is to generate the post based on the topic + the Pinterest design.

A solid, easy-to-consume post.

3. Perplexity — The New Google Search.

Since I’ve been using Perplexity AI, I simply stopped Googling things.

Instead of having to 1) manually scroll websites 2) and summarizing results.

Perplexity AI does it for me.

You can use it in 2 ways: the traditional way, and the Discover way.

The traditional way…

Type “I want to find 10 trendy topics about [my niche] that is being discussed right now on the internet.”

Like Google, but better.

What I love about it: you have the sources, the quotes, the reasons why Perplexity chose these ones specifically. It’s yours to go down the rabbit hole… or not!

The Discover way…

If Perplexity AI is already underrated, this feature is even more secret.

Their Discover tab + the For You feed.

You just have to go to the left bar menu, and click on “Discover”.

All of these articles are masterclasses based on YOUR needs & research.

Trendy topics, specifically tailored to you, updated every day.

Like a better Google News!

4. Reddit - The Internet Townhall.

Reddit needs no introduction.

The very essence of ChatGPT & other LLMs is fueled by the millions of conversations happening on Reddit.

Start by typing a general niche, like “SEO”.

Scroll by relevancy, subreddits, and understand people’s fears/frustrations/limitations.

Writing content is about being part of a group, and solving that group’s problem.

Right now you read me because you want to solve your Linkedin problems.

I also have Linkedin problems! I have to create content, find topics, generate images, videos, make sure my monetization is on point, my strategy stays consistent → I need everything aligned.

By solving my problems + listening to the same pack of people going through the same obstacles, my content creation process is bliss.

The best thing you can do to scale your content scope is to simply join subreddits.

Me, I simply joined r/Linkedin, r/LinkedinTips, r/Entrepreneur, r/SaaS & r/singularity.

A mix of AI, content creation, SaaS founders & a lot of Linkedin!

There is no “best Reddits to…”. It’s trial & error. You quickly see the quality of the discussion on Reddit. But this is not the only place to get people’s frustrations.

5. Quora - A Reddit Alternative.

There is no “best Reddits to…”. It’s trial & error. You quickly see the quality of the discussion on Reddit. But this is not the only place to get people’s frustrations.

Go to the search bar, and again, type your niche.

I just wrote “Linkedin” on this one:

And as you can see, I used the first question to write my first blog “7 Deadly Simple Ways To Optimize Your Linkedin profile”.

That one blog was turned into 5x different posts on my Linkedin!

Here’s one of them:

But that’s not it. I also made specific content - like a carousel - on one of the elements from my blog.

One long content… into 7x different posts… covering 6x different elements + an infographic recap. This is the secret of mega content creator.

Speaking of which, there is something you can borrow from them!

6. Mega Content Creators Comments

Big content creators have a lot of engagement.

And sometimes - if you pay close attention - people ask their best questions there!

Think about it: it’s a question, directly coming from Linkedin, written by someone who’s already engaged on the platform! There is no better signal to create a post about that.

Someone just asked, “How can I repurpose my content on Linkedin on other platforms?”

That is - for sure - one of my next blogs. “How To Turn Your Linkedin Content Into Any Content.”

Because this is the very essence of a content creator. Pick up signals. Understand what’s around you. Pay attention. Answer people’s doubts, fears, needs — as soon as they dare to share them.

7. X / Instagram Explore Page: Build Your Own Feed

Pro hacks for content creation.

  1. Create a new X / Instagram account.
  2. Follow only people in your niche.
  3. Like only content in your niche.
  4. As soon as you see a piece of content outside of it, hide it.
  5. Do it over few weeks, and this is now an algorithm made for you.

Here’s an example of my own Instagram Explore page.

The same goes for my X feed:

Not sure what I’m going to do with this… but I paid attention to it.

A post about consistency? A post about about optimizing your experience description?

I’ll think about it — eventually. I’ll keep it close, and it will arise the moment I expect it the least.

That’s how creativity works. It’s a muscle. A mindset to constantly reaffirm.

Everything is content. Everything is communication.

Pick the right signal, to create the right signal.

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How AI Grows My Linkedin

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