I turn 28 today.
Here's a brain dump of the 28 obsessions of mine:
☑ 99% of the entire world has no idea how big the AI disruption will be.
People still think AI = ChatGPT* = the ChatGPT from 2 years ago* = and they don't even know how to properly use it.
The wave will be abrupt, and heavy.
☑ Media are dying.
Personal brands on unfiltered, paid social media (through subscription, to avoid bots) are the only way.
Yes. You will pay for your social media. And you will have to add your ID. It's the only way to fight the bot armies.
☑ AI Agents everywhere.
Pick any expertise. A person with incomparable taste and experience. Train an AI version of themselves.
People will turn themselves into SaaS. Just like I'm doing with EasyGen & Linkedin content writing.
☑ Untouched industries will suffer the most.
My family are all doctors. They are the least tech-savvy.
When AI doctors will be 99% more accurate, cheaper & instant wherever you are in the world, doctors will wake up with a hangover. It's not the only industry concerned. Legal, Consulting, Banking...
☑ One-person billion-dollar company.
An indie hacker building a SaaS using AI can now serve a million users by itself.
A billion-dollar company valuation is 83,300 customers who pay $100 per month (and a 10x ARR valuation).
☑ LLMs don't matter.
ChatGPT. Claude. Gemini. DeepSeek. Mistral. Qwen. Kimi. Grok. And I could name another 20 of them.
They will tend to offer the same solutions, for the same performance, for the same cost.
What matters are the apps that use the models (properly).
☑ You can't keep up with AI.
I can't keep up with AI.
And it's my full-time job. And I have two full-time employees. And I'm quite obsessed with it.
Conclusion: no one can. No one will. Focus on one domain disrupted by AI, and get an expert at this only.
For example, I love Midjourney. But I'm nowhere close to being an expert.
I'm focusing instead on content generation and finding a mission / problem / topics to cover using AI.
☑ CVs don't matter.
A piece of paper to explain who you are? This is not the 1940s anymore.
Show me what you've done. Show me what you've learned. Show me your online, social media portfolio.
☑ Diplomas don't matter.
A piece of paper to explain who you are? This is not the 1960s anymore.
Show me what you've done. Show me what you've learned. Show me your online, social media portfolio.
Yes, I repeated the same thing.
☑ I am the founder of a software.
And I can't write a single line of code. You can do things (with the right people).
☑ Decision paralysis is the biggest curse of our generation.
Everything accessible at any time, any where - for free (or almost free).
Give us 20 years of Google, YouTube, Social media & unlimited access to entertainment & knowledge...
... and it creates monsters. Resistance (please read "The War of Art"). The Decision Paralysis.
☑ You can pivot. You must pivot.
Pick a line. Stick to it. Go all-in.
And that's ok. You can always pivot. You will pivot.
It's better to move forward (and turn occasionally) than standing there watching the world spinning.
☑ You can't focus on money (to get money).
It's a byproduct. If it dictates your decisions, you're missing the point.
☑ Personal brand isn't a hack.
That's why it's so hard to "crack".
People think it's like a cold email strategy, or ads, a slot machine – set it and forget it.
It's not. It's you. It's your online life portfolio. Who you are. What you stand for. Whom you wish to connect with.
Send the right signal. Attract the right signal.
☑ You're not consistent because you don't believe in it.
It's not about motivation. It's about faith.
☑ Information diet is entirely changing, and no one cares.
You don't read the media anymore - or you stop trusting them.
You don't use Google anymore - because of ChatGPT & other LLMs.
You don't watch television anymore - because of people sharing news on social media.
The way we form opinions today has nothing to do with the way we did 20 years ago.
What are the next 20 years going to be like?
☑ Delusional + Never enough.
I have a delusional faith in the future success I will have. And I never feel enough at the exact same time.
A recipe for success – and endless struggles. That's the life of the entrepreneur.
Pick another poison if you can't handle it.
☑ The path to freedom is in the boring things.
To be a gold medalist, you don't need talent but an undisputed will to keep doing the boring things.
No one wants to do the boring thing. That's why so few are gold medalists.
☑ AI moves so fast you can't feel it.
You don't believe me? Let's see the internet:
1993: The internet is 1% of global telecommunications traffic.
2007: The internet is 97% of global telecommunications traffic.
We are in 1993. Prepare for 2007 (which I think is much closer than 14 years, more like 2-5 years).
☑ I love my job. I hate my job.
I love writing content. I love building AI products (like EasyGen and EasyTrend).
That's the bird's view, the bigger picture. In the weeds of it, it's always sweat, blood, and tears.
If you try to escape the sweat, blood, and tears – you'll never love your job (or achieve anything exceptional).
☑ No one cares it's made by AI.
No one cares if you use a pen, a typewriter, or a computer to write a book.
People care about the book, the story, how they feel when they read it.
Stop blaming AI for your lack of taste. It's a tool.
☑ You're early.
Even if you feel you're late. I felt "late" to the Linkedin wave 2 years ago.
And 2 years ago, people were saying "how late" they were to the Linkedin wave.
You're in it. Social media. AI. Disruption.
Ride the wave.
☑ Be focused.
Solve one problem, extremely small, exceptionally well. Share about it online, for free. Get (happy) clients.
That's how you get to achieve great things. Small + Focus + Exceptional.
☑ Keep your job...
... before going solo. Do both until it makes no sense to keep both.
The ability to build solo without the financial headache makes you make greater decisions.
☑ Quit your job...
... once it takes off. Open an excel file. How long can you go all-in without any revenue?
I did this when I started my music label.
I did this when I started my ghostwriting business.
I did this when I started my AI software.
What's the rundown? What's "so scary" about going all-in?
Turns out the answer was always "a few months, and then I quit if it does not work out."
It worked out.
☑ We don't have the right discussions around AI.
When electricity was invented, people were protesting: "People die from electricity shocks!"
When cars were invented, people were protesting: "It's too slow!" and "People die from cars!"
Sure, downsides exist.
The internet is filled with porn, child abuse, and traffickers selling drugs.
Should we discredit the entirety of the internet because of its downside? Sounds stupid.
Don't be stupid about AI. Don't fall for it. ☑ I'm too young. I'm too old. People keep telling me how young I am.
I keep reading how old I am (compared to some founders).
Maybe I should stop being stupid about age.
☑ I have time. I don't have time.
Everything is to be built. I have time. It's happening now.
Everything is to be built. I feel the urgency. It's happening now.
How exciting.